* * * AUGURI ! * * *
23 dicembre 2010
Tireless Wishes
2° Mercatino per Té
Some frames from the second edition of our Mercatino per Té - the Christmas home-made sale and tea party. Thanks to our special chef for creative refreshments and to fun friends who joined us!
14 dicembre 2010
Senior Interview / 2. Hanna Konola
She is from the Great North (mhh...good start), she has a great taste, a sound sense of line and balance. Her work is sharp and cute at the same time, and so inspiring for ours. The second Senior Interview is to Miss Hanna Konola, known Helsinki based artist - enjoy!
SF: Five words to describe your childhood... ?
11 dicembre 2010
Crystal Xmas
Studio Fludd is really honored to participate in the super-belle Christmas sale by the talented girls of Atelier Beau Travail, based in Belleville/Paris. This time the subject is "crystals &co.". Some pics from our correspondent.
07 dicembre 2010
Fludd Interviews / 15. Piero Martinello
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Italy
C) età / how old are you?: 25
D) area d'azione / your sphere of interests: Photography.
02 dicembre 2010
Fludd Senior Interview / 1. Morteza Zahedi
He is brilliant, he has a sensitive view and an extremely personal touch, he's from Iran, he paints and draws and makes book and attends worldwide exhibitions. Of course he's Morteza Zahedi and he's also extremely kind, in fact thanks to him we start our series of Senior Interviews, hosting remarkable creative personalities. Enjoy!
SF: Five words to describe your childhood... ?