Yes, we are working at our New Collection, with our distinguishing straightforward and impeccable organization, as always (...). It's being a kind of exploration deep into our heritage : sand, fire, maestria (mastery).
30 settembre 2012
Spoiler / 2. Quick Sand
Yes, we are working at our New Collection, with our distinguishing straightforward and impeccable organization, as always (...). It's being a kind of exploration deep into our heritage : sand, fire, maestria (mastery).
17 settembre 2012
Fludd Interviews / 27. Miriam / Ouididi
I stumbled across Miriam and her project in a remote place in south Iceland. (Probably it wasn't so, but that was the sensation). After a few weeks, when I was sadly rambling in Keflavik airport on the way home, accidentally I met her again! I think you should do so as well. (S.)
a) Name: Miriam.
b) Where are you from? Canada.
c) How old are you? Just turned 27.
d) Your sphere of interests: Writing, photography, music, travel.
e) Studies: Integrated Media at OCAD University in Toronto.
f) Please tell us a bit about your project. What is it about? How did it start? I've just started a website called Ouididi: stories and photos from some of the interesting people that I've met while living abroad. It's about people's dreams and adventures, the roads they've travelled, what they create. I would love to get it to the point where people regularly send in contributions from their own journeys.
11 settembre 2012
Spoiler / 1. Seethrough
For a while now, we have been working on our new collection. The starting point is a kind of exploration deep into our heritage. A few months ago, we went to the island of the glass: Murano. Times have changed (a lot) but there is still a huge amount of history, fire and maestria to give life to the finest glass. Pretty unique.