31 dicembre 2012
29 dicembre 2012
Anime Belle
Wayfarers and Friends, our migliori auguri (=best wishes) for a
W I D E O P E N brand new 2 0 1 3 !
Things to keep, remember and protect: licorice, sage, basil, trips alone, wide-open spaces, adherence, wildness, novels, cotton candy, frankness, beards, soups, stamps and envelopes, real ice-creams, presence, sharpened pencils, research, museums, accuracy, essential oils, pudding, clean nails, interests, passion.
Pictures via Duke University/Animated Anatomies (>check it out!).
27 dicembre 2012
Fludd Interviews / 31. Anna Deflorian
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Italiana / Italian
C) età / how old are you?: 27
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Disegno,
illustrazione, fumetto, e poi pittura e ceramica / Drawing,
illustration, comic, plus painting and ceramic.
16 dicembre 2012
Breaking the Mould
We have been caught by the idea and the outputs of the vast project BREAKING THE MOULD (>To Break the mould: (expr.) to do something differently, after it has been done in the same way for a long time), relevant and promising form many points of view. Here in Venice we met the charming design collective AUT (Federico, Riccardo and Luca), the group behind the project together with Tommaso Cavallin, Chiara Onida, Anna Perugini, Dario Stellon, Matteo Stocco, Marco Zito (= 7 designers + 1 material scientist).
11 dicembre 2012
New Collection / The Packaging
Our last collection Opuscula Miscellanea wouldn't be complete without an opulent packaging. The origami envelope is an original double screenprint about watery geography, anatomical elements and pasta-shaped elements.
All the significant printing has been the first (and not last) collaboration with the brave Marco Tavarnesi / Inuit and his Tuscan lab.
18 novembre 2012
New Collection !
OPUSCULA MISCELLANEA - Cultivated Variety / Venezia 700
Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili / Invisible Cities, 1972 (trad. W. Weaver)
This collection features things to hang around your neck, handmade and in limited edition. Born from an atmosphere of lively decadence and anarchic vitality, harkening back to 18th century Venice, the island of quirks and delights. A celebration of formal exuberance and the eccentric spirit, embracing colours both electric and powdered. Materials that are lightweight and also sumptuous along with echoes of artisanal knowledge combined to produce varied and unusual results.
14 novembre 2012
06 novembre 2012
TFN / 1. Fall '12
04 novembre 2012
Spoiler / 4. Species of Spaces and Other Pieces
Frames, pages, whitenesses. With the new handmade collection (we're really close to it!) we ventured into a combinatorial game among rich white matter and geometrical structures together - as in frames and decorative stuff you can find in palaces, for example. A general kinda joyful decadence like in the 18th century. Despite all this is still the city of delight and wonder.
30 ottobre 2012
19 ottobre 2012
10 ottobre 2012
Puro Spazio Comune / 1
First of four posters for nice active citizenship events in Venice, parts of the ambitious Puro Spazio Comune (Pure Common Space) project. We worked on the visual metaphor of the board game in order to express the sense of potential energy, necessary rules, interchange of ideas and fun.
09 ottobre 2012
Workshop with Formafantasma / UniBz
A short while ago, Valeria took part in the exquisite Formafantasma's workshop at Unibz Design Festival. The theme of the two workshop full days was "To wonder".
The participants were invited to observe how natural phenomena and nature itself work and to translate this concept in original design proposals.
02 ottobre 2012
Fludd Interviews / 28. Maria Vittoria Piana Brizio
A) nome / name: Maria Vittoria Piana Brizio
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Italiana / Italian
C) età / how old are you?: 23
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests:
Principalmente fotografia, ma qualche volta disegno o incido / Primarily photography, but sometimes I draw or I etch.
Principalmente fotografia, ma qualche volta disegno o incido / Primarily photography, but sometimes I draw or I etch.
30 settembre 2012
Spoiler / 2. Quick Sand
Yes, we are working at our New Collection, with our distinguishing straightforward and impeccable organization, as always (...). It's being a kind of exploration deep into our heritage : sand, fire, maestria (mastery).
17 settembre 2012
Fludd Interviews / 27. Miriam / Ouididi
I stumbled across Miriam and her project in a remote place in south Iceland. (Probably it wasn't so, but that was the sensation). After a few weeks, when I was sadly rambling in Keflavik airport on the way home, accidentally I met her again! I think you should do so as well. (S.)
a) Name: Miriam.
b) Where are you from? Canada.
c) How old are you? Just turned 27.
d) Your sphere of interests: Writing, photography, music, travel.
e) Studies: Integrated Media at OCAD University in Toronto.
f) Please tell us a bit about your project. What is it about? How did it start? I've just started a website called Ouididi: stories and photos from some of the interesting people that I've met while living abroad. It's about people's dreams and adventures, the roads they've travelled, what they create. I would love to get it to the point where people regularly send in contributions from their own journeys.