FRONDE is based in Venice and is trying to foster interaction in the public space of the city through artistic interventions, promoting the exchange between different populations (residents, passers-by, kids, students and the elderly) and stimulate social processes.
09 dicembre 2015
FRONDE / Dare Luogo
FRONDE is based in Venice and is trying to foster interaction in the public space of the city through artistic interventions, promoting the exchange between different populations (residents, passers-by, kids, students and the elderly) and stimulate social processes.
06 dicembre 2015
26 ottobre 2015
Out Of Place - Powerful Plants
Conceptual styling work for PLANTS OUT OF PLACE project, directed by Coloni & Studio Aikieu - London Design Festival 2015.
They called us to action on the concept that a weed is a plant out of place, undesirable because out of human control.
Out Of Place - Making Of
We share with you some backstage pictures of our contribution for the project Plants Out of Place, directed by Studio Aikieu (UK) and Coloni (Sweden) and launched at the recent London Design Festival 2015.
The collective project seeks to engage with the wider communities to re-consider the value of wild plants and how we may utilise them to design for a better future.
20 ottobre 2015
19 ottobre 2015
14 ottobre 2015
LUSTR / Gelatology in Prague
We have been lucky enough to have been invited to join LUSTR - Illustration festival in Prague (CZ). There we had both GELATOLOGY 2D and the classic 3D workshops.
As always, you can find the final sculptures in the GELATOLOGY tumblr.
06 ottobre 2015
TCBF - Artigiani 2.0
We have been invited to join the exhibition ARTIGIANI 2.0 - part of the super-size programme of this year Treviso Comics Book Festival, along with Jacopo Rosati, Phil Toys, Fabio Tonetto and Rocco Lombardi. We set three tables with the material and visual research behind our last screenprinted book SPECIMEN, by Print About Me editions. These are some photos of the setting up.
02 ottobre 2015
Pranzo Improvvisato
We had happily taken part in the lovely exhibition Pranzo Improvvisato - powered by Ilaria Faccioli, Gaia Stella and Cristina Amodeo.
22 International illustrators X 22 Futurist recipes from the historical La Cucina Futurista by Marinetti and Fillìa (1930). First superexciting stop: La Triennale di Milano (September, 24th-30th 2015).
22 settembre 2015
31 luglio 2015
13 luglio 2015
Pick Me Up London Mix
Great daily talk programme, bursting workshops, quality exhibition, neat organisation, nice people, nice textures and outfits spotted between soooooooo many visitors!
Old and new friends with us - among others: La Tigre, Peckham Print Studio, Hato Press, Lazy Oaf, Not Another Bill, Risotto Studio, Moth Collective, Wanna Date, Sope Inc. Thanks everybody!
SF at Pick Me Up London
It's been a while since we were at PICK ME UP FESTIVAL - graphic arts festival at the magnificent Somerset House in central London - from 22nd April to 4th May. It has been good fun in a very stimulating and busy atmosphere. Here some pictures of our stand and workshop GELATOLOGY TAKE AWAY - next time something about all the rest. Great memories and nice encounters!
23 giugno 2015
15 giugno 2015
La Cameretta Oscura
A work from a while ago: logo, graphic and visuals for La Cameretta Oscura, brilliant photography workshops and classes for kids.
09 giugno 2015
03 giugno 2015
28 maggio 2015
Fludd Interviews / 58. Giulia Maria Belli & Riccardo Giacomini
B) nazionalità / where are you from? Italian
C) età / how old are you?: R - 47, G - 26
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Ci siamo formati come pittori, ma nell'ultimo anno abbiamo lavorato tanto a questo libro. Inoltre entrambi pratichiamo la fotografia analogica, con vecchi macchinari, più che per realizzare delle buone foto, perché ci piace la resa finale meno fredda e meno perfetta delle foto digitali. / We trained as painters, but during this last year we have worked a lot for this book. Moreover we practice analog photography, with old sought machinery, because we like the final yield that is less cold and less perfect than the digital photos.