07 novembre 2011

NEW ! Introducing the Magic Pyramid / 1+2+3

Ta-dan !  Et voilà, finally, our new Materia Prima Collection FW 2011 - Cose Naturali e Segrete. Our wooden crystal a.k.a. the Philosopher's Stone evolves in 10 new and improved models and unstable stages of Matter that made the Magic Pyramid (1+2+3+4). Quirky alchemy + lot of fun !
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1. AETHER - Sidereal pale yellow (glow in the dark !)
2. MERCURIUS & 3. SULPHUR - Bubblegum pink with grey-blue veins, or vice versa 
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SHOP here: Bigcartel + Etsy. Hurry up - it's a very limited edition !
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