16 maggio 2012

Fludd Interviews / 25. Michael Redmond

B) nazionalità / where are you from?: U.K., Manchester.
C) età / how old are you?: I just turned 25 last week.
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Ummm drawing, comics, painting, I'm interested in so many things.
E) studi / studies: I studied at Salford university in Salford, then I studied at the Royal College of Art in London.
F) qualcos'altro dal tuo curriculum / could you please tell us a little bit about what do you do/have you done?: I like to draw, make up stories. During this year I have done a two person show with Zé Burnay at Dama Aflita Gallery in Porto and I did a joint residency with Faye Coral Johnson for the International Drawing Project organised by Cafe Royal Books in Preston. 
G) 3 maestri / 3 masters: Dracula, R.B Kitaj, Moonface.
H) 1 città d'ispirazione / 1 inspiring city: London can be very inspiring.
I) dove il prossimo viaggio? / a place you'd love to visit soon:  A really big swamp I have never been to before.
J) 1 museo speciale / 1 special museum: I had never been to Halifax before so I went and I found this museum, I cant remember what it was called but it was all new and near water. I went inside and it was massive with lots of art and stuff. It was weird as well because I was the only visitor, it was really good because it had lots of secret back door corridors that where pretty sinister when walking down them with no art that led to rooms which where full of some really good artists i had never heard of before and then some David Hockney prints as well. Then there is the British Museum that has the Crystal Skull thats Pretty special.
K) 1 link da consigliare / 1 recommended web-site: I found this site a while ago that I go back to and read every now and then. Spooky.
L) gusto di gelato favorito / favorite ice cream flavour: I love ice cream so much, me and my friends when we have time go to the ice cream parlour or the Ice Cream Van, my favourite is bubblegum flavour, the bright blue one, I also like peanut butter flavour and at the moment I really like coffee flavour but I dont really like drinking Coffee. There is a really good Van near Faye's house that does a bubblegum Volcano which is sour blue dust in the bottom of the cone then blue bubblegum ice cream which is sprinkled with more sour blue dust then green sauce squirted on top.
M) un negozio che approvi / a shop you love:  At the moment I live pretty much in the sticks so when I cycle to places sometimes i have to pass this shop that is the only shop on a really quiet road and its covered by trees so no sunlight gets to it and it sells mirrors and its really creepy. I haven't been inside before because it always looks closed however once and only once I saw a guy come out to throw out the trash when I cycled past it. When I go into Manchester city centre I like to go to Paramount Books that is near the bus station it sell lots of old comics, toys and books and then I also like to go to Empire Exchange which also sells old comics, toys, books and records and then the place on the market where the guy smokes a cigar.
N) 2 oggetti che ti piacciono / 2 objects you like: I have a gold tiger statue that my Grandad gave to me when he died that is powerful and means a lot to me. I collect a lot of stuff that I don't really need but i
I had to say another right now, it would be a small porcelain duck.
O) la tua colazione ideale / your ideal breakfast: I love breakfast, maybe some sort of chocolate cereal.
P) un bel posto nelle tue vicinanze / somewhere nice to go in your neighbourhood: As I said right now I live in the sticks so I have a really nice valley that I like to go to and walk round which has a cliff edge, a waterfall, a dark tunnel and a swamp. 
Q) cosa stai leggendo ultimamente? / last books you have read: The last comic book I read was Rampage staring the daring defenders, NO. 32, and one of the last books I read that I really liked was A Wild Sheep Chase.
R) cosa ti ispira attualmente? / what are a few things inspiring you at the moment?: Where I live, old comics, everyday life and great friends. 
S) qual'è la principale difficoltà per un 'giovane creativo' oggi? / which is the main difficulty for a young creative today?:  Money and belief are difficult, they always has been. 
T) dimensione collettiva nell'arte e nella creatività: si, no, come? / what do you think about the collective dimension of art and creativity?: I think its good to be able to share your art and be able to work and collaborate with artists from all over.
U) cosa stai cercando? / what are you looking for?: I dont know. 
V) di che cosa non vedi l'ora? / what are you looking forward?: I'm always looking forward and back. 
W) progetti per il futuro (esagera!) / projects for the future (exaggerate!): I have been working on a Comic that I started at the RCA which is confined to one day before the sun goes down that follows a cast of loosely connected characters, I have been wanting to finish it for so long now, the plan is to finish it as soon as I can. I have also been working on a really big story that is taking some time to work out. During our time as artists in residence at the IDP me and Faye created a new series of drawings that are a follow up to the series published by Cafe Royal Books that we are currently sorting out and which we would like to release as an edition at some point. Also Editions FP&CF are currently printing an edition of my Moving towards going away 'Blueshift - Redshift' series in a A3 riso book format which I am really excited about.
X) cosa ti piacerebbe studiare da vecchio? / what do you like to study when you'll be old?: I don't know yet, hopefully I will still be drawing and doing things that are creative.
Y) un buon proposito per la stagione 2012 / a good purpose for the 2012 season: Work hard, spend time with friends, explore and learn.
Z) la parola "fludd" cosa ti fa venire in mente? / what the word "fludd" suggests you?:  Fludd reminds me of the word flood which reminds me of sinking which reminds me of swamps that I think about a lot.
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LINKS: Web-site, Flickr.

> The snakes at the top + the ghost mansion at the bottom were done in collaboration with Faye Coral Johnson.

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