23 agosto 2010

Fludd Interviews / 14. Tara Niami

A) nome / name: Tara Violet Niami
B) nazionalità / where are you from?:  I was born in New York City but currently reside in Los Angeles.
C) età / how old are you?: 16.
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Photography, poetry, music, cinema.
E) studi / studies: I attend Archer School for Girls (high school).
F) qualcos'altro dal tuo curriculum / could you please tell us a little bit about what do you do/have you done?:  I take photographs, mostly portraiture with a cinematic feel.
G) 3 maestri / 3 masters: Diane Arbus, Edward Steichen, Tim Walker.
H) 1 città d'ispirazione / 1 inspiring city: Paris.
I) dove il prossimo viaggio? / a place you'd love to visit soon:  Iceland.
J) 1 museo speciale / 1 special museum: The Getty.
K) 1 link da consigliare / 1 recommended web-site: www.tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com Tavi is a fashionable, articulate teenager with great things to say. I love her blog. 
L) gusto di gelato favorito / favorite ice cream flavour: saffron and rosewater ice cream.
M) un negozio che approvi / a shop you love:  Anthropologie.
N) 2 oggetti che ti piacciono / 2 objects you like: pressed flower petals and seashells.
O) la tua colazione ideale / your ideal breakfast: Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, honey on toast and hot chocolate.
P) un bel posto nelle tue vicinanze / somewhere nice to go in your neighbourhood: The cinema across the street that screens mostly independent films. It’s wonderful, the staff are nice, and the snacks are delicious.
Q) cosa stai leggendo ultimamente? / last books you have read: Sense & Sensibility, Unkempt, and Double Indemnity.
R) cosa ti ispira attualmente? / what are a few things inspiring you at the moment?: David Lynch and his strange creations, Bansky’s street art, Victorian photographs, rambling poetry.
S) qual'è la principale difficoltà per un 'giovane creativo' oggi? / which is the main difficulty for a young creative today?:  Getting yourself out there and known in such a competitive environment.
T) dimensione collettiva nell'arte e nella creatività: si, no, come? / what do you think about the collective dimension of art and creativity?:  It’s amazing.
U) cosa stai cercando? / what are you looking for?: A photoshoot at the Natural History Museum, swimming, looking at vintage shops, and going back to the darkroom.
V) di che cosa non vedi l'ora? / what are you looking forward?: Photography. I might also want to study cinematography.
W) progetti per il futuro (esagera!) / projects for the future (exaggerate!): Natural History Museum, portraits at an abandoned building covered in graffiti, perfume commercial spec, make more (very) short films, and I also want to do a series of photographs inspired by film noir.
X) cosa ti piacerebbe studiare da vecchio? / what do you like to study when you'll be old?: Photography. I might also want to study cinematography.
Y) un buon proposito per la stagione 2009-10 / a good purpose for the 2009-10 season: I gained more confidence in the art I create, experimented with photography, learned how to print in the color darkrooms, and matured as a person.
Z) la parola "fludd" cosa ti fa venire in mente? / what the word "fludd" suggests you?: It sounds like ‘mud’ and ‘flood’ so it makes me think of the earth.

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LINKS: Flickr; Blog.
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