18 novembre 2012

New Collection !

OPUSCULA MISCELLANEA - Cultivated Variety / Venezia 700

"Solo nei resoconti di Marco Polo, Kublai Kan riusciva a discernere, attraverso le muraglie e le torri destinate a crollare, la filigrana d'un disegno così sottile da sfuggire al morso delle termiti.  /  Only in Marco Polo's accounts was Kublai Khan able to discern, through the walls and towers destined to crumble, the tracery of a pattern so subtle it could escape the termites' gnawing." 
Italo Calvino, Le città   invisibili / Invisible Cities, 1972 (trad. W. Weaver)

This collection features things to hang around your neck, handmade and in limited edition. Born from an atmosphere of lively decadence and anarchic vitality, harkening back to 18th century Venice, the island of quirks and delights. A celebration of formal exuberance and the eccentric spirit, embracing colours both electric and powdered. Materials that are lightweight and also sumptuous along with echoes of artisanal knowledge combined to produce varied and unusual results.

I / Things Not Yet Described

OPUSCULA MISCELLANEA - Cultivated Variety / Venezia 700

I / Cose non ancora descritte / Things Not Yet Described
#1. Cicisbeo; 2. Erbaria; 3. Lattimo; 4. Ninfa; 5. Impirarissa; 6. Dogaressa.
Tags: minimal, fluo, light, bright, magic, neat, stark.

II / Things Previously Described but Then Forgotten

OPUSCULA MISCELLANEA - Cultivated Variety / Venezia 700

II / Cose anticamente descritte e poi dimenticate / Things Previously Described but Then Forgotten
#7 Avventurina.
Tags: colourful, Murano, irregular, artisanal, rare, rich, quirky

III / Things Described by Many in Different Ways

OPUSCULA MISCELLANEA - Cultivated Variety / Venezia 700
III / Cose da altri descritte in modo diverso / Things Described by Many in Different Ways
#8. Materia Prima - Trittico 700; 9. Materia Prima - Bòcolo; 10. Querina; 11. Sprota; 12.Trabacolo
Tags: solid, classic, basic, white, statement.

14 novembre 2012

Fludd Interviews / 30. Daniela Tieni

A) nome / name: Daniela Tieni
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Italiana / Italian
C) età / how old are you?: 30
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Disegno e pittura / Drawing and painting.

06 novembre 2012

TFN / 1. Fall '12

Hurrah ! The campaign for the new season of the super nice Teatro Fondamenta Nuove in Venice is on the walls! A red collection of little objects generates chain reactions of unpredictable events. A sort of polished quote of The Way Things Go (1987), by Fischli and Weiss.

04 novembre 2012

Spoiler / 4. Species of Spaces and Other Pieces

Frames, pages, whitenesses. With the new handmade collection (we're really close to it!) we ventured into a combinatorial game among rich white matter and geometrical structures together - as in frames and decorative stuff you can find in palaces, for example. A general kinda joyful decadence like in the 18th century. Despite all this is still the city of delight and wonder