04 aprile 2013

Ephemera & Miscellanea / 001

«Decide di iniziare un’altra collezione: d’immagini che non sa perché lo attraggano e che sente che potrebbero significare molte cose.» Italo Calvino

EPHEMERA & MISCELLANEA is a new self-publishing collection by Studio Fludd. Rich in details, assembled with care. Limited numbered editions for paper addicts.

EPHEMERA & MISCELLANEA is Enciclopedie tascabili / storie ed analogie / pagine disegnate e cangianti / cose sottili da trattenere / narrazioni filate in atmosfere fluttuanti / conclusioni plurime e diversificate.

The firs three titles are:
001: DE FLUCTIBUS - Compendium, by SF altogether
002: VESSEL - Zattere Monotonie Correnti e Paratie, by Caterina Gabelli
003: Short HISTORY OF BOTH UNIVERSES - vol.1, by Sara Maragotto

001 DE FLUCTIBUS - Compendium

This is kind of agile summa of the latest projects; miscellaneous images kneaded, mixed, blended together. FOOD as fil-rouge: secret ingredients, nutritional facts, digestion and other digressions.  Follow us in this lively excursus across crunchy, spongy, foamy, sticky, sparkling visual consistencies. The right zine for Robert Fludd's groupies. 

"The fact is always obvious much too late, but the most singular difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is a solid and joy a liquid."  J.D. Salinger

Risograph printed by Inuit Editions in two colours on different papers; double openable cover; size 13x20cm. Limited edition of 100.

You can find it at Inuit space in Bologna and in our e-shop.

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