GELATOLOGY I multigusti del visivo / The many flavours of aesthetics
Through the metaphor and the model of an ice-cream cone we explore milky geometries and marbled combinations of matter. The workshop offers a taste of Studio Fludd's creative methodology, allowing participants to experience a process which begins by collecting and re-elaborating differing types of stimuli and concludes with a visually effective material product.
Visit the dedicated Tumblr.
The process is composed by 5 condensed steps:
1. Three adjectives, randomly chosen = the brief to satisfy
2. Materials / Techniques / Visual references: limits and possibilities
3. Processing the ice-cream: Sketch time
4. Getting practical: Realizing your very personal cone
5. Conclusion: Exchange, Documentation, Tumblr
We attended the first event of the Gelatology series in Milan, during the MicroPiù Olimpiadi c/o Chantillo Temporary Shop. It was a lot of fun, with impressive effort and participation. Can't wait to have the next one! If you'd like to host the workshop in your city, feel free to contact us.
Gelatology - The Workshop is part of a larger project, started from a handmade design collection and an illustrated fanzine.

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