28 maggio 2015

Fludd Interviews / 58. Giulia Maria Belli & Riccardo Giacomini

A) nome / name:  Riccardo Giacomini, Giulia Maria Belli
B) nazionalità / where are you from? Italian
C) età / how old are you?: R - 47, G - 26
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Ci siamo formati come pittori, ma nell'ultimo anno abbiamo lavorato tanto a questo libro. Inoltre entrambi pratichiamo la fotografia analogica, con vecchi macchinari, più che per realizzare delle buone foto, perché ci piace la resa finale meno fredda e meno perfetta delle foto digitali. / We trained as painters, but during this last year we have worked a lot for this book. Moreover we practice analog photography, with old sought machinery, because we like the final yield that is less cold and less perfect than the digital photos.

25 maggio 2015


NEWS ! We are now Members of YCN London - great to be in such exciting and quality selection > http://www.ycn.org/studiofludd

21 maggio 2015

Fludd Interviews / 57. Francesco Zorzi

A) NAME : Francesco Zorzi

B) WHERE ARE YOU FROM? : I’m from Valeggio sul Mincio, a small town close to Verona, in the north of Italy.


D) YOUR SPHERE OF INTERESTS Drawing, illustration, painting,
lettering, design, installations and a lot of other stuff.

13 maggio 2015

Star Wars / Making Of 2

New book!   SPECIMEN - A Pocket Map of the Unknown.

Freshly printed and launched like a space rocket in the sky.

Star Wars / Making Of

SPECIMEN is a screenprinted booklet about Macrocosm, Microcosm and things that we don't know.
We launch it at last bursting Pick Me Up Festival, that brought us as well as over 16.000 visitors into the majestic Somerset House in London. It took us almost one year to finish and we couldn't have done it without the mastery of Paolo Berra and Print About Me, that printed and published it.

12 maggio 2015

W la mammaaaaaa

Our first cover for VITA magazine / April issue - art direction Matteo Riva.
Qui un'intervista sul making-of. More! > http://vitamagazine.tumblr.com/