A) nome / name: Jacob Stead
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, although I currently live in Bristol.
C) età / how old are you?: 24.
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests: Illustration, usually being a combination of traditional drawing/painting and Photoshop, but I've experimented with 3D works made from cut wood and at the moment.
I'm having a go at making a cloth doll. I also enjoy painting on real life materials when I get the chance. Unplugged.
E) studi / studies: I studied Illustration at UWE, Bristol between 2008-2011.
F) qualcos'altro dal tuo curriculum / could you please tell us a little bit about what do you do/have you done?: I make pictures for magazines is my usual answer. I usually work on editorial illustrations, but I try and balance that with personal work which is less restrictive.
G) 3 maestri / 3 masters: Henri Rousseau / David Hockney / Howard Finster.
H) 1 città d'ispirazione / 1 inspiring city: York.
I) dove il prossimo viaggio? / a place you'd love to visit soon: Copenhagen, Sweden, Barcelona.
J) 1 museo speciale / 1 special museum: The Hockney gallery at Salts Mill in Bradford was an early inspiration.
K) 1 link da consigliare / 1 recommended web-site: I don't really have any favourite sites, I usually just look at things I find interesting but I don't have any that check regularly.
L) gusto di gelato favorito / favorite ice cream flavour: Honey and ginger.
M) un negozio che approvi / a shop you love: Here Gallery in Bristol is pretty great.
N) 2 oggetti che ti piacciono / 2 objects you like: My bike, and I guess I'd be lost without my computer.
O) la tua colazione ideale / your ideal breakfast: Something simple, as long as it comes with tea.
P) un bel posto nelle tue vicinanze / somewhere nice to go in your neighbourhood: Cycle to Bath or walk in Leigh Woods.
Q) cosa stai leggendo ultimamente? / last books you have read: 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' and 'The Western Esoteric Traditions'.
R) cosa ti ispira attualmente? / what are a few things inspiring you at the moment?: I recently watched 'El Topo', which was visually amazing.
S) qual'è la principale difficoltà per un 'giovane creativo' oggi? / which is the main difficulty for a young creative today?: In my experience, the main difficulty has been staying positive and believing in my work at times when it looks like I'm getting nowhere. Also, there are a lot of incredibly talented creative people out there and it can be down heartening to be compare yourself to all the established artists. I think it pays off to concentrate on your own work rather than paying too much attention to what other people are doing.
T) dimensione collettiva nell'arte e nella creatività: si, no, come? / what do you think about the collective dimension of art and creativity?: I find it helps to see everything as art. I like to think that every object and picture represents and couldn't exist without the imagination of the artist. It's inspiring to think that even though each piece of art is a unique and original creation, it also contains a history of influences and processes that inform our opinion of it.
U) cosa stai cercando? / what are you looking for?: Something challenging and something new.
V) di che cosa non vedi l'ora? / what are you looking forward?: I'm looking forward to working on new projects and trying to break into new areas this year. I'd like to work on some book jackets or something, experiment with print and work something on a larger scale, whatever that might be.
W) progetti per il futuro (esagera!) / projects for the future (exaggerate!): I want to keep working with wood and paint. It'd be fun to try and bring my work to a whole new area, such as theatre set design. Anything that keeps my work and process from becoming stale!
X) cosa ti piacerebbe studiare da vecchio? / what do you like to study when you'll be old?: I'd like to just continue broadening the scope of my work, so studying whatever that requires. I'd also like to study something not so obviously art-related, although I'm not sure what yet.
Y) un buon proposito per la stagione 2013 / a good purpose for the 2013 season: 2013 is the second full year that I've been working freelance, so it's a good place to look back at what I did and didn't achieve last year. As long as I out-do myself this year, I'll be happy!
Z) la parola "fludd" cosa ti fa venire in mente? / what does the word "fludd" suggest you?: A damp carpet.
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LINKS: Web-site.

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