30 ottobre 2012

Fludd Interviews / 29. Cachetejack

A) nome / name: Cachetejack (Nuria+Raquel)
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Spain
C) età / how old are you?: 24
D) area d'azione / your sphere of interests: Illustration.

19 ottobre 2012

Spoiler / 3. Sac à Poche

Emptying our pockets: visual references of the next (coming-soon) handmade collection. We have this rich white matter all around and we look at it. More, soooon.

10 ottobre 2012

Puro Spazio Comune / 1

First of four posters for nice active citizenship events in Venice, parts of the ambitious Puro Spazio Comune (Pure Common Space) project. We worked on the visual metaphor of the board game in order to express the sense of potential energy, necessary rules, interchange of ideas and fun.

09 ottobre 2012

Workshop with Formafantasma / UniBz

A short while ago, Valeria took part in the exquisite Formafantasma's workshop at Unibz Design Festival. The theme of the two workshop full days was "To wonder"
The participants were invited to observe how natural phenomena and nature itself work and to translate this concept in original design proposals.

02 ottobre 2012

Fludd Interviews / 28. Maria Vittoria Piana Brizio

A) nome / name: Maria Vittoria Piana Brizio
B) nazionalità / where are you from?: Italiana / Italian
C) età / how old are you?: 23
D) area d'azione (disegno, pittura, fotografia, animazione, ...) / your sphere of interests:
Principalmente fotografia, ma qualche volta disegno o incido
/ Primarily photography, but sometimes I draw or I etch.