24 febbraio 2016

Gli Experimenti / 1

It is heartwarming when brief encounters concretize into projects or - better in our case - experiments.
GLI EXPERIMENTI exhibition is a remix of our past project and a new take on our creative attitude. Our installations were organized into 5 areas/values: Heritage; Union of Opposites; Analogy; Chain Reaction; Metamorphic, blended into Giulia's house furniture.

We can say found a home in Giulia Mirandola Progettazione and a confirmation of friendship in Stefano Riba / Van Der Gallery. The exhibition is open until the end of February c/o via Rialto 10, Rovereto (TN). Thanks to everybody!

The title comes from Caterina Sforza's recipe book, end of 15th C. (lovely!) https://sites.eca.ed.ac.uk/renaissancecosmetics/cosmetics-recipes/caterina-sforzas-experimenti/

Photos by Francesco Bernardi. Here, more.

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